Diese Woche in Luxemburg
Ausweislich des Harmonisierungsamtes für den Binnenmarkt (HABM) sind diese Woche nachfolgende, das HABM betreffende Urteile und Anhörungen von Verfahren, vor dem Gericht oder vor dem Gerichtshof in Luxemburg geplant:
Tuesday 09/02/201
T-113/09 PromoCell bioscience alive v OHMI (SupplementPack)
Annulment of the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of OHIM of 15 January 2009 in Case R 996/2008-4 dismissing the appeal against the examiner’s decision, which refused to register the word mark „SupplementPack“ for goods and services in Classes 1, 3, 5, 41 and 42Wednesday 10/02/2010
T-344/07 O2 (Germany) v OHMI (Homezone)
Annulment of Decision R 1583/2006-4 of OHIM of 5 July 2007 rejecting the appeal against the decision of the Examiner partly to refuse registration of the word mark „Homezone“ for goods and services in Classes 9, 38 and 42Thursday 11/02/2010
T-289/08 Deutsche BKK v OHMI (Deutsche BKK)
Annulment of Decision R 318/2008-4 of OHIM of 29 May 2008 rejecting the appeal against the decision of the Examiner which refused registration of the word mark „Deutsche BKK“ for services in Classes 36, 41 and 44.Hearings
Tuesday 09/02/201
T-557/08 mPAY24 v OHMI – Ultra (MPAY)
Action for annulment brought by the proprietor of the Community and national word marks „MPAY24“; for goods and services in classes 9, 16, 35, 36 and 38, against the decision R 221/2007-1 of OHIM of 30 September 2008 partially annulling the decision of the Opposition division refusing registration of the figurative mark „MPAY“ for goods and services in classes 9, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 42 in opposition proceedings brought by the applicant.Thursday 11/02/2010
C-51/09 P Becker v Harman International Industries
Appeal against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 2 December 2008 in Case T-212/07 Harman International Industries v OHIM – Becker (Barbara Becker), in which the Court of First Instance annulled Decision R 502/2006-1 of OHIM of 7 March 2007 annulling the Opposition Division’s decision refusing the registration of the word mark „Barbara Becker“ for goods in Class 9 in opposition proceedings brought by Harman International Industries, Inc.T-225/09 Claro v OHMI – Telefónica (Claro)
Action for annulment brought by the applicant for the three-dimensional mark „Claro“, for goods and services in Classes 9 and 38, against Decision R 1079/2008-2 of OHIM of 26 February 2009, dismissing as inadmissible the appeal against the decision of the Opposition Division refusing registration of the abovementioned mark in opposition proceedings brought by the proprietor of the Community word mark „CLARO“, for goods and services in Classes 9 and 38.Friday 12/02/2010
T-292/08 Inditex v OHMI – Marín Díaz de Cerio (OFTEN)
Action for annulment brought by the applicant for word mark „OFTEN“ for goods and services in Classes 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 25 and 35, against Decision R 484/2007-2 of the Second Board of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) of 24 April 2008, dismissing the appeal against the decision of the Opposition Division which refuses in part registration of that mark, in the opposition proceedings brought by the proprietor of the word and figurative marks „OLTEN“ and „OLTENWATCH“ for products in Class 14.
Quelle: HABM