Diese Woche in Luxemburg

Ausweislich des Harmonisierungsamtes für den Binnenmarkt (HABM) sind diese Woche nachfolgende, das HABM betreffende Urteile und Anhörungen von Verfahren, vor dem Gericht oder vor dem Gerichtshof in Luxemburg geplant:


Wednesday 3/02/2010

T-472/07 Enercon v OHMI – Hasbro (ENERCON)
Action for annulment brought by the applicant for the word mark „ENERCON“ for goods in Classes 16, 18, 24, 25, 28 and 32 against the decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) of 25 October 2007 in Case R 959/2006-4, dismissing the applicant’s appeal against the decision of the Opposition Division refusing registration of the mark in opposition proceedings brought by the proprietor of the Community word mark ‘TRANSFORMERS ENERGON’ for goods in Classes 16, 18, 24, 25, 28, 30 and 32, and the unregistered marks „TRANSFORMERS ENERGON“ and „ENERGON“ used in the United Kingdom in respect of similar goods.


Wednesday 3/02/2010

T-163/08 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Golden Toast v OHMI (Golden Toast)
Annulment of Decision R 761/2007-1 of the First Board of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) of 31 January 2008, dismissing the appeal against the Examiner’s decision which refused registration of the word mark „Golden Toast“ in part, in respect of goods in Classes 11 and 30.

Quelle: HABM
